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Yellow and red tomatoes

Beginners Guide to Companion Planting

Just like people, our plants have friends too! Planting your veggies with others they like or don’t like growing with will help increase yields, decrease disease and can limit pests. Any time you can partner plants together and get those results it’s what we call a win-win!

Four benefits of Companion Planting:

1. Crop Protection

Let tough plants take the brunt of weather that more delicate plants can’t. Plant tough varieties that take sun and wind and act as a natural defence against harsh conditions.

2. Limiting Risk

There are things outside your control (ie. weather) that can take a bite out of your production. Increasing your chances at higher yields can make up for any losses and give you a net gain in production.

3. Positive Hosting

Nothing invites the insects to want into your garden better than growing all their favourite things. Plants that produce a surplus of nectar and pollen beneficial insects like can keep them around and help manage harmful pests.

4. Trap Cropping

The best offence is a good defence. Protect the plants insects love by positioning them next to plants they just can’t stand.


Chart of Plants that Like & Dislike Growing Together

Some other helpful little tips…

  • Catnip is great for repelling mice, so plant it if you have them around the garden or near doors to stop them coming inside.
  • Plant sweet alyssum near plants that have been attacked by aphids in the past. Alyssum flowers attract hover flies whose larva devour aphids. The flowers also draw bees to pollinate early blooming fruit trees.
  • A bay leaf in a container of beans or grains in the kitchen will help deter weevils and moths.

Beautiful Companions – Flowering Companions

Some flowers aren’t just pretty, they make great companions for your vegetables too! Check out our Flowering Companions guide to see eight plants that look great and add value as companions too.

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