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Winter Storage Agreement

Thank you for trusting Heeman's with caring for your prized plant!

Thank you for trusting Heeman’s with caring for your prized plant. Whether it’s a new addition to your collection or been with you for years, your only stored plant or one of dozens, it’s important to you and it’s important to us. Our team will do our very best to provide your plant great care during our long, cold Canadian winters.

This agreement outlines both our care and responsibilities, as well as yours. Please review the following terms associated with storing a plant at Heeman’s for the winter.

You Agree That Your Plant:

Heeman’s Agrees to:

Storage Notes:

Retrieving Your Plant Next Spring:

Thanks again for trusting us to look after your plants! If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at the greenhouse at 519.461.1416 for assistance.
