Made with Heeman's Strawberries
Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). Spray 9×13-inch (22.5×30.532.5cm) baking pan with nonfat cooking spray.
If strawberries are large, half or slice 1 cup (250mL). Combine strawberries, breadcrumbs, water, butter, celery, onion, colored pepper, salt and pepper and sage; mix well.
Stuff pork chops in prepared pan in oven, uncovered, for 15 minutes or until chops are browned.
Mash remaining 3 cups (750mL) strawberries in saucepan. Add brown sugar and soy sauce. Heat until sugar is dissolved.
Baste pork chops with half of the mixture. Cover pan with foil and continue baking 30 minutes.
Baste with remaining strawberry mixture and bake 15 minutes longer or until chops are tender; reduce heat if necessary.
Remove toothpicks before serving.