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Stuffed Pork Chops with Strawberries

Made with Heeman's Strawberries

Thick pork chops, with pocket cut for stuffing
3 cups
750 ml
Fresh Heeman's strawberries, washed and hulled; divided
1/2 cup
125 ml
Dry bread crumbs
1 tbsp
15 ml
Hot water
2 tbsp
30 ml
Butter, melted
1 tbsp
15 ml
Celery, diced
1 tbsp
15 ml
Onion, minced
1 tbsp
Green, red, orange pepper, diced
1/2 tsp
2 ml
1/2 tsp
2 ml
1/2 tsp
2 ml
1 tbsp
15 ml
Cooking oil
4 tbsp
60 ml
Brown sugar
1/4 cup
50 ml
Soy sauce

Step 1

Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). Spray 9×13-inch (22.5×30.532.5cm) baking pan with nonfat cooking spray.

Step 2

If strawberries are large, half or slice 1 cup (250mL). Combine strawberries, breadcrumbs, water, butter, celery, onion, colored pepper, salt and pepper and sage; mix well.

Step 3

Stuff pork chops in prepared pan in oven, uncovered, for 15 minutes or until chops are browned.

Step 4

Mash remaining 3 cups (750mL) strawberries in saucepan. Add brown sugar and soy sauce. Heat until sugar is dissolved.

Step 5

Baste pork chops with half of the mixture. Cover pan with foil and continue baking 30 minutes.

Step 6

Baste with remaining strawberry mixture and bake 15 minutes longer or until chops are tender; reduce heat if necessary.

Step 7

Remove toothpicks before serving.
