Made with Heeman's Strawberries + Heeman's Raspberries + Heeman's Blueberries
Preheat BBQ to 350°F/175°C – make sure all burners are turned on HIGH.
Once the BBQ has reached this temperature, turn off the burners directly below where you’ll be placing the baking pan. Leave the other burns on medium to low heat to maintain temperature.
(Example: Placing the pan on the far right side of the BBQ, turn off right burners. Leave left burners on medium to low heat) This is called the Indirect Cooking Method- Essentially the heat rises, reflects off the lid and inside surface of the grill, and circulates to slowly cook the food evenly – simulating a convention oven.
Press cookie dough evenly into a pizza pan. Place pan onto the side of the BBQ with the burners turned off. Cook for 5-10 minutes or until golden brown. Rotate pan periodically to prevent one side from being more golden than the other. Cool in pan on wire rack.
Spread whipped topping over cooled crust. Arrange seasonal fruits in a decorative pattern. Refrigerate until your ready to serve.