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Watering in Extreme Heat

Water is crucial not only for people but also for plants, especially when temperatures start to climb. Proper hydration helps prevent heat stress and keeps your plants healthy and thriving!

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to give your plants the extra attention they need during hot weather!

Plants That Need Extra Attention

During extreme heat, certain plants are more vulnerable and require more frequent watering and care. Pay special attention to the following:

  • Containers: Plants in pots, containers and hanging baskets tend to dry out faster than those in the ground.
  • New Planted: Veggies, annuals, new shrubs and trees, perennials, newly applied grass seed and sod will all need additional water to help establish their roots.
  • Plantings From Last Year: Hardy trees or shrubs planted late last fall may not have established deep roots yet and could need extra water to cope with the heat.

Watering Tips

Proper watering techniques can make a significant difference in helping your plants survive and thrive during periods of extreme heat. Here are some tips for success:

1) Increase the Frequency
  • Annuals: These may need not just daily watering, but even twice a day during hot periods.
  • Trees, Shrubs, Perennials: Instead of the usual weekly watering, consider increasing the frequency to every 2-4 days, depending on their exposure to the sun and how recently they were planted. Pay close attention to their needs and adjust accordingly.

2) Timing is Key
  • Best Time to Water: Early morning, right after sunrise, is ideal as it allows plants to absorb water before the heat of the day sets in. This reduces evaporation and ensures the plants are well-hydrated to face the heat.
  • Next Best Time: Evening, just before dusk, is another good time to water as temperatures cool down, minimizing evaporation and allowing plants to absorb moisture overnight. Avoid watering during the hottest part of the day to reduce water loss through evaporation.

3) Avoid Water Contacting Leaves
  • Prevent Burns: Water droplets on leaves can act like magnifying glasses under the intense sun, causing burn spots. Always aim to water the soil directly, not the foliage.
  • Reduce Fungal Risk: Certain plants like tomatoes are more susceptible to fungal infections if their leaves remain wet for extended periods. Keeping the foliage dry helps reduce this risk.
4) Watering Technique
  • Slow & Steady: Watering slowly and steadily ensures that the water penetrates deeply into the soil rather than flooding quickly and maybe spilling out. This allows water to really get down deep into the soil and encourages deeper root growth, making plants more resilient to drought over the long term.
  • Directly to Soil: Water directly into the soil/root zone to ensure the water reaches the plant roots. Use tools like watering cans with long spouts, drippers, or soaker hoses to deliver water efficiently.
  • Low & Slow: If you have soaker hoses in your garden, using these will give you a slow flow that soaks in and avoids evaporation. For trees and larger shrubs, running a hose on low and leave it for 30-45 minutes will allow a trickle of water to get down deep into the soil, encourage deep roots as opposed to splashing a large volume of water on the tree quickly, which will spread out wide when it hits the soil but only penetrate the top part of the soil.

5) Re-soak Dried Containers
  • Bottom Watering: If a container’s soil is extremely dry, it may resist water absorption from the top. Place the container in a shallow basin like a garbage bin, kiddie pool, or plate filled with water to allow the soil to soak up moisture from the bottom. This method recharges the soil and restores its capillary action, ensuring thorough hydration.

Let’s Grow Together!

How to Water Your Plants More Effectively

Join Will as he shares tips and tricks on effectively watering your plants on those hot summer days in this YouTube video!

Additional Tips for Extreme Heat

In addition to implementing these watering tips, there are several other strategies that you can use to help protect your plants during periods of extreme heat.

  • Selecting Drought Tolerant Plants: When planning your garden, select drought-tolerant plants that can withstand periods of low water availability. Check out our garden guides on Selecting Annuals for Dry Locations, Drought Tolerant Perennials, and Our Native Plant Guide for suggested plant lists. Incorporating these plants into your garden reduces the overall water demand and makes your garden more resilient during heatwaves.
  • Mulching: Applying a layer of mulch around your plants helps retain soil moisture, reduce evaporation, and keep the soil cooler.
  • Shade Protection: Provide temporary shade for sensitive plants during the hottest part of the day using shade cloths, umbrellas, or strategically placed patio furniture.
  • Regular Monitoring: Check the soil moisture regularly and adjust your watering schedule based on the plant’s needs and weather conditions.

By following these tips, you can ensure your plants remain well-hydrated, healthy and resilient during periods of extreme heat. Happy gardening!

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