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Our Native Plant List

The Importance of Using Native Plants

Why all the fuss about native plants, you might wonder? Well, it’s actually pretty smart gardening! Incorporating native species into your garden offers a host of benefits, both for the environment and for your own landscaping efforts.

Native plants are uniquely adapted to local conditions and require less water, fertilizer, and maintenance once established. They provide essential habitat and food sources for native wildlife, including birds, butterflies, bees, and other pollinators. Additionally, native plants play an important role in preserving biodiversity and supporting ecosystem health.

What Does ‘Native’ Really Mean?

At its core, a native plant is one that occurs naturally in a particular region, ecosystem, or habitat without direct or indirect human intervention. These plants have evolved over centuries to adapt to the local climate, soil conditions, and ecological factors, forming an integral part of the natural landscape.

But is it Native? Understanding Ontario’s Native Plants

One of the most common questions we encounter in this area is… “Is it native?” It might seem straightforward, but the answer can be surprisingly complex because the term “native plant” holds different meanings and interpretations depending on who you ask.

In Ontario, for instance, different organizations, authorities, and gardening enthusiasts may have distinct criteria for what qualifies as a native plant. Some say only plants that were here before the Europeans arrived are native, while others include plants that have naturalized over time or are shifting their native range farther north due to climate change.

How Did We Choose Our List?

We try to stick to straight species for our list and not include any cultivars or nativars. Based on a few trusted resources, including the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Centre, Network of Nature and our plant suppliers/vendors.

Bee on a pink coneflower

So What Should You Plant?

We think that with so many benefits, native plants should be considered for any garden project. Does this mean you should rip up a garden with pretty cultivars that you love? No; but if you’re redoing a garden, or planting a new one, we’d encourage you to consider the native plants options available to you. Diving into this side of the gardening world can certainly be intimidating, but just ask yourself “is it native enough for me” to start. As we all learn more about this important topic, our opinions may shift and the answer to “is it native enough for me” might change too… and that is okay!

We recommend remaining open to new information and ideas and incorporating more earth-friendly gardening practices where and when possible. Every little bit helps!

Ontario Native Plants Available at Heeman’s

We’re proud to offer a number of Ontario native plants and partner with Carolinian Canada as a local nursery offering these Ontario native plants. Look for the table or its tags the next time you visit.

Please note this list is of the native plants we will have at Heeman’s. Many are only available seasonally or have a limited supply. If you do not find the one you’re looking for it’s a good idea to confirm if it’s in stock with one of our helpful Daymakers (the ones in orange) or call us at 519-461-1416.

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