Picture a beautiful 15°C day in September…you might need a toque, definitely a sweater or jacket. Now picture a beautiful 15°C day in March…it’s shorts weather baby! But watch out because those legs might get burned. The reason the same temperature feels different in March is because we Ontarians are acclimatized to colder temps, but our legs just aren’t used to seeing the sun yet.
Your plants are kinda like that too! Plants that are used to being indoors or in a greenhouse will need your help getting used to or reacquainted with the great outdoors before they can survive the elements. It’s an easy process that your plants will thank you for.
“Violas and pansies will actually push liquid out of their flowers and into their roots to prevent ice crystals from forming on their petals which would damage them…amazing!”
The term hardening off refers to the process of gradually preparing a plant to survive (and thrive) in outdoor conditions that are colder, windier and brighter than inside a greenhouse. The time it takes for this process will vary a little bit based on the situation, but usually takes 7 to 14 days.
Spring bloomers that are naturally cold-tolerant can be transitioned outside pretty much as soon as the temperature is reliably above 5°C. Once they’re hardened off, they can usually tolerate a light frost (we’re not talking about days on end of -5°C though).
Plants considered frost tolerant spring blooms include pansies, violas, campanula and forced bulbs/flowers like ranunculus, daffodils, tulips, hyacinth, crocus, and muscari.
Let’s Grow Together!
In this video, Will shares how to gradually expose your indoor plants to the outdoor elements.
Seedlings and young greenhouse-purchased veggies will take upwards of 14 days to harden off, so a good time to start the process is about 2 weeks before the last frost date, or 2 weeks before you’re hoping to plant them into their containers or garden beds.
If you have a large number of seedlings to harden off, you can place them all in a wagon or wheelbarrow to assist with moving them around every day.
House plants are like indoor cats, but sometimes when the weather is nice, they might benefit from catching some (likely indirect) sun and feeling a breeze through their leaves, regardless of what type of plant you have.
Moving your houseplants outside is technically more of an acclimation than a hardening off, and it’s done later in the year like May or June when temps are balmy, and can take anywhere from 7 to 14 days. Here’s how:
In the spring, there are a few ways you can help your plants thrive which include possible transplanting, and updates to watering and fertilizing schedules! For more information on the winter to spring transition, check out our article about helping houseplants through seasonal changes.
Overall, hardening off your plants is a simple and straightforward task – although it does take a little planning and attention – but it’s one that will ensure your plant investment is starting off on the strongest foot possible.
As always, if you have any questions, we have so many awesome Daymakers that just love talking plants and would happily chat about this or any other garden topic you might need some info on. Or you can hit us up on social media!