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Growing Fabulous Fiddle Leaf Figs

They’re this year’s amazing “it” plant, so beautiful that you hear music when you seem them – they’re Fiddle Leaf Figs! They aren’t quite as easy to care for as HGTV has made them out to be, but with our top tips, you can have an Insta-worthy fiddle in no time.

Everything about these plants lives up to their diva status – they’re gorgeous, mysterious, and elegant, and they’ve got a classy, tropical vibe, like they recently went on a fancy Caribbean vacation and returned with a glowing tan, that just makes them pop on every Instagram and Pinterest page they grace. As fabulous as they are, it’s easy to see why they rose so quickly into the spotlight.

Part of their draw is that Fiddle Leafs simply transfigure whatever room they’re in, transporting you to a luscious, green oasis no matter the weather outside. Their style and grace are contagious (figuratively speaking), and their tropical vibes are the perfect year-round pick-me-up.

Like any diva worth their salt, though, they also know exactly what they want, so while it can be tough to find the balance of “just right” when you take one home, once you settle on a winning formula, your fig could thrive for years!

Goldilocks Plants

Fiddle Leaves are the reigning champions of “not too much and not too little”, and if they could get up and walk out of their pots, you can bet they’d have some opinions on your bed and porridge. Once you and your Fiddle Leaf figure out the perfect care routine, though, keeping them lush and happy can be a breeze.

To help the negotiations go more smoothly, we’ve put together our top tips to get you started.

Fig Care 101

Here’s the dirt on how to keep your Fiddle Leaf Fig happy – and, more importantly, alive – at home. To help the negotiations go more smoothly, we’ve put together our top tips to get you started.

Get the Light Right

Your luscious fig wants lots of light, but not the wrong kind of light. While it’ll totally adore basking in a room with lots of ambient light, its sensitive leaves are more prone to a sunburn than Dracula, so direct light should be avoided.

Learn to Speak Fig

It might be picky, but at least your Fiddle Leaf will let you know what is working for them or and what’s not – it’s just about speaking the language, and I’m here to translate! A yellow, spotty fig, or one that’s balding (dropping leaves), might need some more light, while a one with brown edges and spots is burning up and needs a break from direct sun!

Water the Right Way

To give this plant the drink it wants, water it when the top bit of the soil is dry. The true hack to giving your Fiddle Leaf the full spa treatment is to drench the pot until water pours out the bottom when you water, keeping salts and minerals in the water from accumulating in the pot. #cleanse #detox

Grab the Swiffer

You probably love your gorgeous Fiddle Leaf because of its luscious, tropical leaves. I love them too, but those big, green beauties are like giant bullseyes for dust particles, so they’ll need to be dusted off every once in a while to make the most of their particular light requirements.

Skip the Fertilizer

The best things come with patience, not with a shortcut, and figs are definitely a poster child for that rule. Your fiddle will be happiest growing at its own pace, so keep fertilizer to a minimum, if at all.

Keep it Even

To avoid the Leaning Tower of Pisa look (unless that’s what you’re going for), simply rotate your plant every once in a while to even out where it gets its light from.

Not all beauty, these plants have a personality to boot, making them a perfect companion for your household. They may need a little coaxing to get going, but once you figure out the right balance, you and your fiddle will be happy as a succulent in the sun for years to come!

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