A popular choice for flower beds and borders. These fast growing, vibrant annuals thrive in full sun and attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.
One of the fastest growing annuals, with lacy leaves and bright pink, white or red daisy-like flowers. Grows best in full sun but can handle partial shade.
Can handle shady conditions, prefers sun though. Growth will be delayed in shade and flower masses will be diminished.
Large glossy leaves make it a great texture plant and its unique flowers are eye catching. This heat tolerant plant will bloom all summer long.
Fibre Begonias are compact and hardy! They have vibrant blooms of red, pink, and white. They are ideal for shady spots and occasional pruning can help with more abundant blooms.
One of the best garden annuals for a dry location. The unreal, vividly coloured flowers of this South African plant bring a touch of the exotic to the garden. Excellent for sun-baked, hot garden sites with dry soil, very low maintenance.
Rapid growing plants with bright purple, red, orange and yellow blooms. Also a sun loving plant attracting butterflies and hummingbirds. High tolerance for dry and hot conditions.
A super popular annual, Marigolds thrive in full sun conditions. These low maintenance blooms can tolerate drought conditions and naturally repel pests with their scent.
If you have a hot and dry location, this is a plant that could add colour to a barren location. Comes in large stunning pink or white blossoms. Succulent-like leaves help hold moisture and make this plant very drought resistant.
A trailing yellow zinnia flower that can handle dry conditions.
This is one plant that can stand up to the sun. These zinnias thrive in full sun. One of our most drought resistant plants. Available in a range of colours.