If you have deer in your area, you know they can be a major garden pest. Deer often find many of your garden plants as attract as you do, only they’re looking for a meal. Unfortunately there is no plant that is 100% deer proof, there are plants that deer like more than others. Our listed or recommended plants has three categories, good resistance (rarely eaten), medium resistance (occasionally eaten) and poor resistance (often eat or damaged).
When searching for plants that will resist deer, select plants with leaves or stems that are fuzzy, prickly or sharp, flowers that have a strong or smelly fragrance are also beneficial. This is no guarantee, as deer under pressure to find food will shift their eating behaviour, but in general these types of plants are less attractive to deer populations.
*Note: Using plants in this list does not guarantee against deer damage. Deer populations and deer taste preferences are variable, and if you have large herds, you will more than likely experience deer damage. This list can be more complete than our selection in the greenhouse. Plants on this list is not guaranteed to be available at Heeman’s but are included for your benefit.