Bulbs are a wonderful way to give your garden a face lift after all the snow is gone. They spring up just as the weather is changing from cold to warm, no other group of plants can provide such a display of colour as early as bulbs.
Rarely do people regret planting Spring flowering bulbs in the Fall. Mostly people come into garden centres in the Spring commenting that they wish they had planted spring bulbs after seeing beautiful displays in the yards of neighbours or in public spaces. So if people want to plant bulbs, why is it that the Dutch Bulb Council reports that 60% of bulbs sold worldwide are never planted? Is it too hard? Let’s make it easy!
The good news is planting flower bulbs is fast, easy, and nearly foolproof. One reason fall bulbs are so beloved of both beginner and master gardeners is that, with so few issues to consider, gardeners can put all their effort into the fun part of gardening — design.