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Best Back to School Plants

Adding a little green companion to your dorm room or classroom isn’t just aesthetically pleasing, but also comes with a bunch of other benefits too. Plants can literally bring a space to life, help reduce stress and anxiety, enhance concentration and productivity and they just look so pretty! With all these benefits, we’ve rounded up our top 10 plants for the dorm room or classroom, so go ahead and add “new planty friend” to your back to school shopping list!

Easy to Care for Plants for Beginners:

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

This tough plant thrives in low light conditions but will also appreciate a spot with part to full sun. Only water when the soil is thoroughly dry.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Another drought tolerant favourite, they prefer bright indirect light and can also grow well in low light areas of the home. Snake plants require infrequent watering, the soil should dry out completely before watering.


Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

A great choice for beginners, Pothos can adapt to different light levels (bright indirect is its favourite, but it will tolerate lower light) and prefers slightly damp soil. It's forgiving if you forget to water occasionally.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

With its arching leaves and and easy to propagate little baby plants, it's great for sharing! It does well in indirect light and appreciates evenly moist soil, but is forgiving on the watering front. 🐾✔️


Thanks to their thick leaves, they're less likely to go 'cripsy' from under watering, and the leaves will curl when the plant is thirsty. Bright indirect is its favourite, but it will tolerate lower light, and prefers slightly damp soil.

Medium Care Plants:

Palms (Various Species)

Like bright, indirect light and consistent moisture. They might need a bit more attention but are a good pet friendly option! 🐾✔️

Chinese Evergreens (Aglaonema)

These plants can thrive in low to moderate light and prefer slightly moist soil. They're adaptable but may require slightly more attention to the soil moisture than beginner plants.


Peperomias like bright, indirect light and slightly dry conditions between waterings as they don’t like to be overwatered. They are pet safe. 🐾✔️

Pilea (Pilea peperomioides)

Pilea prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Do not overwater this one but let the soil dry out between waterings. 🐾✔️


Cacti thrive in bright direct sunlight and require infrequent watering. If you can avoid watering them too much and have the right light, they can be easy to keep thriving. Most people who fail with a cacti kill them with kindness and too much water! Most varieties are pet friendly, but ensure you look up the variety you purchase. 🐾✔️

Specific Needs Plants:

Ferns (Various Species)

These can be particular about the moisture in their environment. With consistently moist soil (they love extra humidity like in the washroom or kitchen too) and indirect light, they can be happy pet friendly options! 🐾✔️

Whether you choose a vibrant green ZZ plant adorning your desk, a cascading Pothos adding a touch of elegance to your bookshelf, or a dignified Snake Plant standing tall in the corner, you can transform your space into a happier, friendlier home away from home. So go ahead, pick a plant that resonates with your personality and bring the great outdoors indoors!

Remember, plants are more forgiving than you think. With a little care and attention, you’ll be on your way to becoming a proud plant parent in no time. And remember if you have any questions, our Daymakers are here to help! Stop into the greenhouse for a visit or message us on social media (Facebook or Instagram). Happy planting!

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