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All About Rain Gardens

What are Rain Gardens?

A rain garden is a lovely, sustainable addition to your yard that helps manage rainwater runoff from surfaces like driveways, roofs, patios, sidewalks, or streets. Think of it as a beautiful, natural way to soak up stormwater, reducing runoff and erosion, protecting your landscape, and keeping your soil in place. Plus, rain gardens act as natural filters, keeping pollutants, grass, and leaves from clogging up storm drains and making their way into rivers, wetlands, and lakes. They’re super efficient too, absorbing and processing 30% more water than a regular lawn.

How Do You Start a Rain Garden?

First, find a naturally low area in your yard where water tends to flow. Good spots include downhill from paved surfaces or near where your roof downspout releases water. You can even extend your downspout underground to direct water away from your house. Just be sure to avoid areas with standing water, as these spots indicate soil that’s already saturated and slow to absorb. It’s also important to keep your rain garden a safe distance from buildings to prevent any water seepage into foundations.

Which Plants Should I Choose?

When it comes to plants, native species are your best bet. These plants are champs at handling both drought and standing water. Their deep root systems help guide water down into the soil, unlike traditional turf grasses which only have shallow roots about 6 inches deep. Native plants and grasses can have roots that reach up to 8 feet deep, making them perfect for rain gardens.

Plants for Full-Sun Rain Gardens:
  • Little Bluestem
  • Swamp Milkweed
  • Butterfly Weed
  • Black-Eyed Susan
  • Blazing Star
  • Prairie Smoke
  • Rose Mallow
Plants for Part-Sun Rain Gardens:
  • Cardinal Flower
  • Great Blue Lobelia
  • Turtlehead
  • Prairie Dropseed
  • Joe Pye Weed
  • Jacob’s Ladder
  • Lady Fern
  • Maiden Hair Fern
  • Ragwort
Small Trees & Shrubs for Rain Gardens:
  • Serviceberry
  • Red or Yellow Dogwood
  • Chokecherry
  • Ninebark
  • River Birch

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