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Who says tropical vibes are just for the warmer months? With a couple of palms or banana plants, your home can be a year-round tropical escape that'll make you forget all about the cold winter months.

Tropical Plant Storage

Our latest greenhouse addition was built for you! Well, it was actually built to take the very best care of your tropicals while we wait out the winter and dream of summer months ahead!

Let’s Grow Together

How to Prune Your Dipladenia

It might look extreme, but a good haircut is good for some tropical plants! Matt walks us through how to prune back your dipladenia before you bring it inside for overwintering.

Plant Parenting

If you’re new to indoor or outdoor plant parenting, not to worry, we have your back! Check out these useful garden guides to help you on your way to growing happy healthy plants.

Meet our Tropical Experts

Visit Heeman’s Plant Paradise

Choose the right houseplants for your space and bring a little Heeman’s home.

Hours & Map

Find the Perfect Plant for You!

Our plant library is a list of plants that we carry throughout the year! Lots of ways to search including plant category or colour, latin name or even height to find the perfect fit for your house or garden.

Find Your Plant